Our Approach

When you go looking for Offshore Lures you shouldn't have to mortgage the farm to buy some. We made these lures because we didn't feel like dropping $50-$100 on a lure that a wahoo breaks off.

Our Story

Matuwa lures were developed kind of as a hobby, kind of as a way to have quality lures at an affordable price. Growing up in South Florida I have long been tied to the Sea, from diving, to surfing, to fishing. I was married to my beautiful bride, barefoot, on the beach. Both of my children learned to swim before they could walk. The ocean is a part of us. Offshore fishing is meant to be enjoyable. Whether you fish with family, friends, or just the guy who has the boat, we believe that you should be able to do so in an affordable fashion. These lures were developed to perform with the best and be affordable to the many.


Lure Choices

Lure Heads

We currently have 5 different shapes as described on the other pages. Currently we are casting in green, blue, and purple. We can match any color skirt but have been trying to keep it simple for now.

Go Skirtless!

That's what we all like! Save some money and order our stand alone heads. This allows you to customize your lure with your own personal color schemes and since we don't have to buy the skirts we can pass the savings on to you.

Order here

For ordering follow the link.